Sunday, August 19, 2007

Smoke my Loon: Smoking Loon California Syrah

I'm originally from Vancouver Island. And it seems that every time I go back there, West Coast wines get richer. Like it isn't enough to have coffee that puts hair on your chest. And salsa that makes you burn in that special way. Now they have to kick you in the teeth with wine that tastes like chocolate and blackberries.

Not that I mind. Though last time I went west, I began thinking that rich wine was just another new angle on unoriginality. So you can make it richer.... whooowheee... What else can you do?

Okay -- I take it all back. Friday, I was airlifted to Montreal's Robin des Bois, a wicked little restaurant run largely by volunteers. Get this: not only does Robin have the culinary credentials, he also has a good heart [how often do you find that?]. Part of each bill and tip is donated to local community organizations.

Back on topic. The folks at Robin des Bois served me some kind of magic potion, a West Coast blast of fruity delish: Smoking Loon California Syrah. So rich, it was naughty. And perfect with my nearly raw venison. Say no more...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Don't give up on us!

Truth is, while we've swilled a few bottles and dreamed a few dreams lately... J and I are in heavy production mode, awaiting baby number two in just over a week. And while it makes sense that I would be tired, J seems to have caught sympathetic fatigue. We're just too damn tired to post.

I'm hoping... that this confession will put us back on track: blogging, dreaming and drinking. If the arrival of baby number one was any indication, the wine and dreams went into overdrive not long after. So... We'll be back...