Thursday, November 22, 2007

Farm houses, cats and kittens

I was driving through a country village with large houses. Although I was alone, I was with someone else... we were talking about the farm houses. My companion pointed out a farm, and explained that there they performed medical tests on kittens.

A short while later, my companion pointed out another farm house where they bred cats and raised kittens for testing. I pulled over and sneaked into the house. It was messy and comfortable, full of heirlooms. I went upstairs to a room containing cages; each cage contained a cat and most cats had kittens.

One cage contained a small, blackish cat. My companion explained that this was the male cat. I opened the cage and let him out into the room. Then I decided to leave the house via the window so no one would see me. But the window was too high, so I went back down the stairs.

Halfway down the stairs, I met up with a woman who asked me what I was doing in there. I told her I was there to visit someone, but realized that I was in the wrong house, that I was very embarrassed and was now leaving. I left the house, got into the car and drove away.

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