Wow. I lost my password and contact with this blog for several months, but 'MAN have I been having DREAMS. Every night, I wake up in a fog of unreal real woah what's happening man, dream world blending in with reality. And then I have to go give the baby a bottle--NO, not a wine bottle, silly. And the dream disappears into a cloud of sputtering neurons. But I digress. Wine:
Palacio de Ibor, 2000. This one hits you across the head. At first, I am thinking: hey, this smells like my vermi-composter. Then,
earth-filled nostrils, I fill the mouth, and hmm. This tastes like my composter. So we let it breath a bit and after a half hour...it is really quite drinkable. So our advice is: start your
vermi-composter today!
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